Blä, jag är så trött
Okei, It's some mistakes here. I dont know how to erase this.
I use to hang out with the boys now. It's fun, they are funny.
I don't know if they really want me ther, sometimes they do, they asks for me.
But sometimes it feels like I'm, irrenoing, or something.
Mostley they want me there, it's fun for a exchange, and it's something new, to have a girl with.
I think it's fun to, it's new to be wtih the guys, instead of my closest, just to have a change.
They think I'm the nicest girl in our class, and they think I'm the cool and tough girl who hangs out with the guys :)
I think thats funny, mostley cause that's the girl I want to be, and it gives me Status with a big S.
But, it's always a but, I get's really jeolus when they talk and have fun with some other girl, I don't think she will take my place, but, I'm not sure. Especially when it is my former best friend who is that girl, not you, they don't even like you that much, just he.
Yeah, he. He is really stupid, I'm angry at him. I really am.
Okei, keep you to the subject.
Please don't hang out with other girls, and please tell me you want me there.
But I can't tell them, then I'll be like there girlfriend, and I'm not.
So please stop do these "funny" things like I'm gonna bang some o you. I wont !
See yaa, I got homeworks to do.