Tänkte lägga in några av låtarna jag skrivit,

Kommer bli ett jävla långt inlägg.
Jo de flesta jag har här är från perioden då jag inte mådde så bra och var kär i en kille som var kär i en annan.

Iallafall. Eftersom Lillasyster  är upptaget som artistnamn så döper jag mig till Born as the Last. BATL.
Så länge iallafall, tils jag komemr på något bättre, tips?

If I hated you - BATL

If you saw the things you made
If you knew about the things i hate
If you knew about the monster you create

I hate you, I hate me
I hate to cry over you
Hate hate hate
To die will be an awful big
adventure for the day

If you knew the pain I felt
If you knew the things I date
If you just once knew the things that you create

I hate you, I hate me
I hate to cry over you
Hate hate hate
To die will be an awful big
adventure for the day

If I said that you caused pain
If I said that you made me damaged
If I just said you hurted me
Would everything be different then

Supergirl - BATL

I will never die even if I try
I will never reach in t the white light
or to the gate of hell
the shining and fireing
I will rather go there then to a deity
I don't belive in
I will rather go to hell
Just to payback all my deeds

So even if i tried
over and over and over again
I will never reach the red line
that says your doomed
I think I'm supergirl

I want to die after this long time
It been to long
I feel like it will never end
I want to hurt, I want to be hurt
Just hit me, beat me
I want a life- and death struggle
The only reason is I feel lonley
I'm invinceble

So even if i tried
over and over and over again
I will never reach the red line
that says your doomed
I think I'm supergirl

I stept on a landmine.


Sentenced to death - BATL

I'm all grewn up
And I'm trained for this
And I know, I know, I know, I know
That mission impossible is not to easy
But everything I see is so easy to me

My heart is broken it all seems wrong
When I pointed my gun at your forehead
I looked at you I really looked at you

My mission is not failed it's just delaid
I need to know that I can't fail
I'm death I'm satan I'm Lucifer himself
Call it what you want but I'm derailed

My heart is broken it all seems wrong
When I pointed my gun at your forehead
I looked at you I really looked at you

I'm trained for this
I know I know I know I know
That I can make it happen
That my mission is not impossible
I'll see your grave just to know you dead

Just a little fun- BATL

To love you
To see you
To be the one who stabbed you
To love you
To see you
To be the one who stabbed you

I thought I would see you trough
I thought you wolud be the one
the one, the one, the one i knew to well, oh
the one oh, the one
I knew you, I knew you
Yes I thought I really knew you

To love you
To see you
To be the one who stabbed you
To love you
To see you
To be the one who stabbed you

You knew the things I hate
You knew what you create
Yes, you should know
you should know
to se all the things
you just wait
you should know a lot from the sixteen days we dated

To love you
To see you
To be the one who stabbed you
To love you
To see you
To be the one who stabbed you

To love you
To see you
To be the one who stabbed you


Be free - BATL

I was done
I was done
I saw you raise my kids
I was done
I was done
I thought you saw that to

Let me go, let me be free
I'm not that one I used to be
I was done
To se you as the only one
I was done
I was done

I were dragged from the silence
I burn your rose
I even looked you up
I took your heart
And burned it to
I was done
I was done

Let me go, let me be free
Iäm not the one I used to be
I was done
To se you as the only one
I was done
I was done

I berried you and spit
on the dirt
And I knew
I never felt so free
I am done
I am done
You are done

Jag har fler låtar, hittar dem bara inte :S

Jag var arg på honom under denna tiden men inte längre.
Fast låtarna är bra ändå :)
Det ska bli musik någongång, hoppas jag.
Det är rock/hårdrock stil, inte någon jävla pop.
Fast det kanske man förstår med texterna.
Komer något mer sådant här inlägg, med fler låtar.
Hannah tycker jag ska skriva massa :)

say whatever you want babe,
Postat av: Sara

Har du skrivit dom Mois ??
Dom ska du sjunga för mig i Sommar , Lova !
Massa Kramar <3

Postat av: moamoamoa

nja, jag har inte musiken till dem, eller bara lite till några, skriver bara texterna :D

2007-05-29 @ 16:44:39
URL: http://moalovesmisfits.blogg.se
Postat av: rune

borde starta ett emoband!!! texterna passar ju perfekt!

fast försök få texterna att flyta på lite bättre!

2007-10-30 @ 16:47:32
Postat av: moamoamoa

Jag skriver de bara för att det är kul, inte för att bilda band eller något sådant. Men tack. Och jag vet inte hur jag ska få dem att flyta på bättre. Det beror ju på hur man sjunger dem och så, eller hur Rune? Och vem är du?

2007-10-30 @ 23:02:00
URL: http://moalovesmisfits.blogg.se





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